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Constructing a better resource for total joint category management

Over the years, team aptitude has proven their dedication to continuously evolving and improving our solution to meet the needs of our customers.  A recent example of this in action is the further development of a constructs module for hips, knees, and shoulders within the platform.

This advancement is a collaborative effort between many groups and stakeholders, which began as an initiative to standardize and recategorize the aptitude database to align with Vizient data.  By looking at items in a consistent manner, members have greater visibility into performance, including benchmarking and other analytics, such as compliance.

At the same time, the majority of joints manufacturers had chosen to designate standardized SKUs to represent constructs within their portfolio. aptitude worked with the original equipment manufacturers to ingest the new information and expand their portfolios within the database. Once the databases were streamlined and updated, the functionality within the total joint categories allowed providers to execute bids and contracts that take advantage of the automation and efficiency that aptitude delivers.

Number of constructs currently available in the aptitude platform:

 Hips                            Knees                         Shoulders

Over 1700                  Over 1200                  Over 400

“We are continually adapting to feedback we receive from customers to create additional functionality,” explained Suzy Eberle, who was instrumental in facilitating this project.  “Solving the unique challenges of our customers with creative solutions can deliver unprecedented value and efficiency in this complicated space.”

Now, when a member looks at construct information, whether at the GPO level, in Vizient Savings Actualyzer (VSA), or in aptitude, there is consistent, aligned data that allows for greater visibility and improved performance.  Having the standardized construct SKUs allows the members’ data to flow automatically to VSA for benchmarking and to aptitude, capturing spend and measuring compliance.

“For years we have been unable to benchmark constructs because the data just wasn’t automatically available.  The team would have to manually find the unmatched spend, glean the information and update opportunities with spreadsheets which all supported the process, but it was still manual,” Eberle continued.  “By enhancing the constructs side functionality, and activating over 3,000 constructs, there isn’t a single reason why an initiative can’t be run through the aptitude platform.”

This is visibility that the industry has long sought after. The seamless flow of data between platforms allows users to see the opportunity, measure the potential impact, benchmark pricing, and execute an RFP.  Conversion scenarios can also now be analyzed and executed, including the ability to transition from line item to construct contracting.  Additional features and extensions of this project are road mapped for 2022 and will continue to be deployed, adding value and functionality for users.

As we increase adoption of this elevated, yet simplified process, it will be important that all stakeholders utilize the correct item numbers and construct skus to ensure data accuracy and consistency.  The program is live and available to all members.

To learn more about this advancement or to schedule a personalized training session on the new functionality send an email to

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